Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Humpday!

Writing prompt:
What is the moment you leave childhood and enter adulthood?

For me it was when I moved out on my own... One week after high school graduation, at the young age of 17 I moved to Orlando to go to college. It only lasted 3 whole short months before I moved my happy ass back to South Florida. But my parents treated me differently because I was out on my own paying my own bills. When I moved back they actually started charging me rent and treating me like an equal. 9 Months later, I moved out again this time to Gainesville! Go Gators, where I actually made it work this time and I was up that way for 4 years, before I moved back to South Florida.

In other news:

Well the weight from this weekend is finally coming off! My boyfriend will be here in 1 week, I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am supposed to get my first fill tomorrow, I am hoping they give it to me. I have a pot luck on Friday at work, looks like if I get the fill I will be watching everyone else eat. Normally I would be totally bummed out about that but I honestly don't mind. Yesterday was a test for me. We had cake at work for the owners birthday, and I did not have a piece. Man it looked good, but the brownie looking cake thing looked like I would choke on it if I even tried a piece. I opted to eat my lunch instead. Yay for will power.

Finals are coming up and I am completely stressed out... but for some reason I do better under pressure. So we shall see how that goes. I hope everyone is having a great day!


  1. HUGE NSV avoiding that cake yesterday. Keep up the great work, girlfriend. :)

  2. First of all.....GO GATORS! hehe

    I do understand the being bummed about a pot luck, but also have been and am now where you are on not eating. Great control. Congrats. I am now making and bringing foods to parties that I can eat and others will want to eat. I love cooking and this is just another way to please others.

    Good Luck on your fill!

  3. Good job! Let us know how the fill goes!
