Friday, June 15, 2012


So glad that Friday is finally here and I get off work early today... I have had a really really bad week on the work front. Things just seem to get progressively worse. I have applied to 25 jobs this week and I pray that someone calls me back ASAP. If not I might just kill someone.

My poor boyfriend has dealt with a cranky version of me all week... I come home from work almost in tears every day... its just not good.

My food choices have been pretty good, but the scale is not budging. Probably because of all the stress.

Hope everyone is having a good day!!


  1. What's been going on with the job? Text me if you wanna talk!

  2. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  3. Stress is horrible for weight loss, and overall health! I am often stressed at my job too, and for me stress means eating bad! Even if you aren't putting your stress in your mouth like me, it is still harmful. Good luck in the job search!
