Saturday, January 7, 2012

In need of the sister hood

So I am going on a cruise in 12 days and I really dont want to spend money on clothes that are not going to fit for very long so I was wondering if anyone had cruise clothes (Like T Shirts, Shorts, etc) that are in size 18/20 in the bottom and 14/16 in the top that they are wanting to get rid of. Please let me know!


  1. I wish I could help you out! I'm still stocking mine away from when I shrink into them!

  2. I have 3 pair of size 18 LB shorts and 3 tshirts I can send you. I also have a gorgeous dress you can wear for formal night. Reply to this comment and we can work out deets through email.

  3. You have come to the right place! I have several bags of 18 & 14/16 stuff. Email me and I can send pix of pieces....if u like anything it's yours! I am in CA or I would just give you all 4 bags of stuff....too much to ship to u.
